Research Interest

My broad research interests are in Natural Language Processing and Explainable AI. Some of the areas I wish to work are,

  • Information Extraction, Multilingual and low‐resource NLP, Social Computing [fake, hate, abusive, stance related content classification]
  • Multimodal NLP [utilize linguistic, acoustic, and visual features to build intelligent systems]
  • Explainable AI


Works in Progress


  1. IEEE-ICACCTech2024
    Salman Farsi, & Mahfuzulhoq Chowdhury
    In Proceedings of the 2024 Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ICACCTech)


  1. EAI
    Salman Farsi, & Mahfuzulhoq Chowdhury
    EAI Endorsed Transaction on Scalable Information System, vol. 12, Jan. 2025
    Indexed By: Scopus, Web of Science, etc. IF: 1.98


  1. EACL-2024
    Salman Farsi, Asrarul Hoque Eusha, & Mohammed Moshiul Hoque
    In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages (DravidianLangTech-2024)
  2. EACL-2024
    Salman Farsi, Asrarul Hoque Eusha, Ariful Islam, Hasan Mesbaul Ali Taher, & Mohammed Moshiul Hoque
    In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages (DravidianLangTech-2024)

    🥇 Top model in fake news detection challenge

  3. EACL-2024
    Salman Farsi, Asrarul Hoque Eusha, & Mohammed Shamsul Arefin
    In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE-2024)

    🥇 Top model in hate speech event detection challenge

  4. EACL-2024
    Salman Farsi, Asrarul Hoque Eusha, Ariful Islam, & Mohammed Moshiul Hoque
    In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages (DravidianLangTech-2024)

    🥇 Top model in sentiment analysis challenge